Exhibitor Products


Gam International S.r.l. Hall: Za'abeel Hall 5 Stand: Z5-A26
GRETA is our dough mixer dedicated to high-water content doughs. It is equipped with a timer and an inverter, which allows it to reach 13 different speeds ranging from 71 to 257 rpm of the spiral: 25% slower than a first speed mixer and 30% faster than any mixer in second speed. The inverter allows GRETA to go in reverse to detach the dough from the bowl, and it has specifically been designed to achieve energy savings between 25-30% compared to a traditional mixer. GRETA’s different speeds make it possible to oxygenate the dough as a fork mixer would do, as well as to work with highly hydrated doughs. Great attention has been paid to optimizing the ratio between spiral turns and bowl turns, to allow for the production of a more homogeneous and highly hydrated dough at the right temperature. It can be easily programmed by the user, once the program is established it will be saved until changed. GRETA’s TS and VE versions feature a liftable head, which allows for an easy removal of the dough from the bowl. VE also features an extractable bowl. These models in the 30, 40 and 50 liters tank versions are equipped with the IKARO anchoring system featuring an innovative wing shape that gives a higher rigidity to the mixer, as well as strongly reducing vibrations. The mixer is thus subjected to very low mechanical shocks, guaranteeing longer machine life.


  • Back of House
  • Bakery and confectionary equipment

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