Exhibitor Products

first class

Elmeco S.r.l Hall: Za'abeel Hall 5 Stand: Z5-F70
first class
first class
first class
Particularly suitable for locations with a largenumber of users, Elmeco First Class is perfectfor granita, frozen coffee and tea, semi-frozenand frozen desserts, cocktails, sorbets, sangria,lemonade and much, much more. Thanks tothe patented “total cold” system, the product iskept at a constant temperature, right down tothe very last drop, guaranteeing optimal productquality and minimal wastage. Completelydrive shaft seal free make the machine is todisassembly and clean. An efficient, electronicboard makes it simple and intuitive to use.ExclusiveFeaturesDouble augers forBetter mixTotal cold system“Seal-Less” driveshaft system whicheliminates mandatorypreventive maintenanceElectronic system,density control andauto diagnosticEquipped withautomatic cleaningand sanitizingvalves.Exclusivecustomizationwith Led Backlitlight panelElmeco First Class isavailable in two differentcolor and it is possible tocustomize with your logo,graphics or advertisingmessages.The addition of the LEDbacklight panel allows forcomplete customisationand a fresher, moreappealing look.Refill system.Maximize youroutput productionElmeco Refill is a handybag-in-box auto-fill system,easy to set up on the existingmachines (FC2 and FC3).This additional equipmentmaximizes output productionby keeping machine bowlsfull at all times and reinforcesmerchandizing effect.Eliminates potential humanerrors in process of premixingwater and syrup.Bag-n-box (BIB) auto fill systemproduct at rate of 2-3 oz persec. (varies for di


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